Point Dume Engagement Photoshoot | Nick and Vanessa

Nick and Vanessa

You know those friends you make during extremely formative years of your life? Those friends that you may go through seasons of closeness and seasons of distance with, but really you know you’ll always be able to catch up and be invested in one another’s life?

That’s Vanessa.

Vanessa and I went to college together. She was my first friend in my biology class, and as an intimidated freshman, I decided that since we kind of knew each other from a mutual friend, we’d be sticking together. And we did for the next four years.

We were lab partners in our classes, and study buddies throughout all four years. But let’s be real, a lot of that studying turned into absolute chaos, taking pictures, writing random songs, or going to In-N-Out late at night. Somehow we both graduated and went successfully onto grad school.

Her dream has been to become a vet, which is NOT an easy feat. Think med school level difficulty... But with more than one species to understand and treat. Despite health problems and a semester off, living in another country, and battling the rigor of academia, Vanessa is almost done! The last leg of our journey landed her in Oklahoma, of all places, where she met Nick.

Nick had a reputation to live up to in my mind. The way Vanessa spoke about his love for Jesus, his commitment to his local church, and his love for her was unlike anyone she had talked about before. And meeting him at their engagement shoot sealed the deal in my mind.

He’s an outgoing conversationalist with a love for ministry, musicals, and adventure. He and Vanessa are an amazing match because of how they will balance one another. I’m obsessed.

Oh, and my favorite part? During their session they said a photographer’s favorite words:

“We wanna get in the water at sunset.”

I could die happy.

I am absolutely thrilled with this session and how it captured their love. How we caught moments of spontaneous laughter. And how it captured the peace in their eyes knowing they’d each found the one whom their soul loves.

Can’t wait for April when I get to stand next to you, Nessa!

P.S. Just look at that engagement ring! Nick and Vanessa actually did some customizations on it and it is gorgeous.

Getting married? We would LOVE to hear from you.