Six Tips for Your Wedding Timeline (from a Wedding Photographer’s Perspective!)

Brides, planning out your wedding timeline may sound daunting, but take it from someone who has been a bridesmaid, the bride, and a wedding vendor–you’ve got this! 

There are many variables when it comes to your timeline. Of course, you’ll need to factor in how many hours you’re allowed at your venue, how many hours each vendor has been hired for, and if you’re serving a meal or not. If you have a planner and/or coordinator, they will help you with all of these ins and outs of the day– details such as the time you’ll choose for first dances, cake cutting, etc. But in this post, I want to give you a wedding photographer/videographer’s perspective on some things to consider (especially if you don’t have a planner helping you). I’m giving you an inside view on some tips I give to my couples. Make sure to talk to your photographer and videographer about these ideas as you plan your timeline! Depending on the package you hired them for, they will know what you should plan to fit in. 

Here’s some general tips for your day and how to plan for specific photo sessions during your day!

Tip #1- always include an extra hour

First, plan out 1-2 hours of buffer time BEFORE your ceremony. Why? Three reasons: 

  1. If getting ready runs late, you will need that extra time. There’s usually something (or someone) that takes longer than you expected. That’s okay, because you’ve planned for this!

  2. Extra time in your plan allows a few minutes (at least) to rest, breathe, and eat before your ceremony! You do not want to be waiting for dinner to eat on your wedding day. 

  3. If you have any last minute details that you forgot. No shame at all! This is a good thing–in fact last weekend I had a Bride eat her lunch and then transfer her vows from her phone to a piece of paper for the ceremony. You know how she fit that in? Because we had two hours of down time before it was time to line up for the processional. Bride and Groom planned this with intentionality and mingled with their family before the big moment. No stress, no worries! 

Tip #2 - First looks

Decide if you’re doing any first looks, and count backwards on the clock from the beginning of that “buffer hour” to know when to time those. This part of your day might include a first look with Dad (these are always precious) or the groom. If you’re going traditional and waiting to see your man at the altar, skip this part! 

In my experience, it is helpful to have about 30 minutes planned out for your first look with the groom. You may choose to share private vows, pray together, or just hang out for a few minutes catching up and soaking in the moments together before the business really gets going. 

This time should start once you’re at your first look location, so don’t include transportation time in this 30 minutes slot. Thirty minutes will allow time for your photographer + videographer to situate the groom in a spot where he won’t see you before it’s time. Also, it will allow you to fix your veil/makeup if you just rode in the car, grab your bouquet, walk up to the meeting spot, and share a private, special few minutes with your husband-to-be. This time should never feel rushed. 

After you’ve had your moments, your photographer + videographer will transition from capturing that memory to facilitating portraits and special moments in video. These extra moments are so sweet and filled with joy. Trust me, don’t skip out on these. 

Tip #3 - bridal party photos

Next, you’ll want at least 30 minutes for your bridal party portraits. This may need more or less time depending on two things: how many people are in your bridal party, and if your photographer has a second shooter or not. Once you’ve figured these details out, your photographer will likely get the following photos: 

  1. Group shots of everyone

  2. Photos of just you and your girls

  3. Photos of the groom and his guys

  4. Individual portraits of you with each person on your side (these were personally some of my favorite photos from my wedding day because each girl meant so much to me). 

Ask your videographer what they need from this session. Typically, Justin and I love getting celebratory shots of your group, plus some combinations of girls and guys separately. Walking, laughing, and interacting shots add fun memories to your wedding video.

You can trust your videographer to capture what works best with the style of video you’ve hired them for.

One big detail that’s easily forgotten–make sure to have someone bring any floral details to your bridal party photos! Delegate your maid of honor to make sure the bridesmaid bouquets are present, and make sure if your groomsmen have boutonnieres, they are put on before you’re in a rush to start photos.

Tip #4 - portraits before ceremony

Once the group photos are done, your photographer may want to grab more portraits of you and your soon-to-be husband. I check the clock and ask my couples how they’re feeling and gauge their energy levels. If you’re up to it, these are just a few of the photos you’re going to want to include in your album and print for your walls. Allot around 15-20 minutes for these, depending on the rest of your timeline and your photographer’s preferences.  If your videographer has specific shots they need, make sure to account for that time, too. They’ll usually be responsible for communicating those needs to both you and your photographer to make sure everyone has what they need.

Tip #5 - family photos

Now that your first look and bridal party photos are planned for, you can decide if you want your family portraits done before your ceremony or during cocktail hour. 

The advantage to doing it before the ceremony is that you get to your cocktail hour/reception much faster. You may even choose to omit a cocktail hour if your venue hours are on the shorter end. 

However, having family portraits done after the ceremony ensures everyone is definitely present for the photos! I’ve seen it both ways, and having family photos during cocktail hour allows for a longer period of time to rest before your ceremony. 

Two extra things to consider are: family photo location and weather. If it’s going to be hot and photos are outside, consider waiting until after the ceremony so it can cool off a bit and the sun is lower. This is especially helpful for your older family members who may prefer to avoid warmer temperatures. 

(Note: depending on your videographer’s style of shooting, this session may or may not be included in your wedding video. Pay attention your videographer’s previous work if this is an important part of your day to you, and discuss with your video team).

Tip #6 - Sunset sessions

During your reception, we always encourage our couples to allot 20-30 minutes of sunset portraits. In the months where the sun sets early, you will want to have eaten (at least some of) your dinner. In the months where the sun is setting later in the day, you’ll have had some snacks from cocktail hour and possibly already enjoyed first dances. Your reception will have started moving along, and your guests are enjoying themselves. If you have a photobooth, they can entertain themselves there, eat their own dinner, visit the bar if you have one, or mingle with family and friends they haven’t seen in years. 

No matter the time that sun is setting, these keepsake photos are going to be gorgeous during golden hour. These are the photos you’ll be eager to post, print, and share with family. Additionally, your videographer will be able to get some amazing shots of you and your new spouse interacting in the sunlight, and it’s truly so magical.

Not only are these shots beautiful, but this time also allows your and your new spouse to take a short breather from the party. Don’t get me wrong– party as long as you want with your closest friends and family, but having this few minutes to take it all in and enjoy some quiet moments away can be really refreshing for couples. 

In the end…

Your timeline is meant to get you married and celebrating! Some things may or may not go “wrong,” but ultimately, you’re marrying your person, and that’s what counts. Your photos and wedding video are going to document the day as it happened. Talk to your photographer and videographer about their experiences and expertise to know how they recommend setting up the day! If they recommend more or less time on a particular part of the day, it’s good to heed their advice. It’s also important to support both teams (especially if they are hired separately) to make sure everyone is on the same page, and you’re getting the best product possible.

Both photos and video are an investment that will last a lifetime. Planning ahead will never be something you regret!

Proposal at Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park | Chino, California

Jordan and Kathyrn

When I moved to grad school and started attending a new church, it took a little while to adjust, but Kat made the adjustment so much easier. She was the first friend that my roommate, Nellie, and I made. Kat was the first person to invite us to the lunch one Sunday after church, Nellie and I were so excited to finally be building relationships in a new place! She introduced us to her friends that would quickly become ours, too. And unbeknownst to us, one of them would end up being her boyfriend not too long after, and eventually we would have the privilege of watching him propose.

One of the many trips to a fun food market led by Kat and Jordan.

We saw Kat serve in church on the worship team and in the college/young adult Bible study with faithfulness and enthusiasm, and when she told us that she and Jordan were beginning a relationship we could not wait to watch it unfold.

These two were faithfully serving on staff for the college/young adults group together. Jordan also served with facilities at church, helping set up (which was a major task during the time where our church met outside). They’re also major foodies, always looking for the best spots to eat or get coffee. This made them an extra fun couple. Our college group would often have food days where Kat and Jordan took us to a huge food market where we would all try different cuisines and desserts. It was the best.

The next couple of years, we saw Kat and Jordan serve together in such a God glorifying way. Their relationship was never a distraction to their ministry, but a catalyst of fellowship, encouragement and an example of godliness and patience. Kat and Jordan dated through the Covid lock downs, job changes, schooling trials, and now they are finally going to be able to live life together as husband and wife!

Jordan’s proposal was so fun to be a part of. I wasn’t surprised at his commitment to making the proposal special for Kat. I was, however, surprised at his creativity and care in every single detail. Jordan went above and beyond in planning this day. He scouted locations not only online, looking at photos and discussing the options with me and his friends, but he took time to drive to several spots and plan out the entire set up.

The first part of the cover-up for Jordan’s proposal to Kat—coffee!! And sign that seemed too foreshadowing for me to not take a photo.

Nellie and Valerie conspired with Jordan to find a way to get Kat to the chosen spot and the specified time. Since I moved last year, I haven’t been able to spend as much time with them, so I texted our group and asked if we could get together. However, I’d be leaving for a long trip soon so it had to be before that, and Valerie had “family plans” the weekend prior. We were really only left with one potential day to hang out, which was the day Jordan chose. Our tricks had begun! The rest of the cover up was that I was at a couple’s shoot nearby that day so I’d already have my gear with me— why not take some fun friend photos while I’m there? I told her I’d found Chino Creek Wetlands on Instagram. We all agreed it would be a good spot for photos, and Kat found a coffee shop nearby that we could hang out first as we waited for the sun to get a little lower.

As we made our way to the spot, Jordan was patiently waiting, and we were secretly in a hurry. Rather than rushing to the designated area, I had to follow the cover. To get to the other end of the park without Kat wondering why we weren’t taking photos, we I would stop occasionally, shoot some photos, and keep going. We passed up spots that she suggested because “the light was a little spotty there” or whatever other lame excuse I could make up. In reality, I was in a rush to get her to Jordan.

We finally made it to a concrete arch that I knew meant we were about to walk up to Jordan. To prep for Kat’s entrance, I had been taking photos of Nellie and Val walking forward and stopping to look back at the camera. Finally, it was Kat’s turn to try this pose for me, so I told her to walk through the archway.

Jordan was waiting on the other side, Kat walked up to him, and he asked her to marry him. Then, after taking a couple of moments, some of their close friends emerged from the bushes and celebrated together. We took some amazing portraits, both Jordan and Kat beaming with joy and post-proposal giggles, and then went to a dinner that Jordan planned with all of their family and close friends to celebrate.

One of my favorite parts of this night was taking along a little polaroid camera to get photos of special moments and friends for Kat to take home that night (and of course some extra for myself because it was really fun).

Jordan and Kat, I love seeing you pursue the Lord and serve the church together, and wait for His timing. You two are gems.

Getting married? We would LOVE to hear from you.

Point Dume Engagement Photoshoot | Nick and Vanessa

Nick and Vanessa

You know those friends you make during extremely formative years of your life? Those friends that you may go through seasons of closeness and seasons of distance with, but really you know you’ll always be able to catch up and be invested in one another’s life?

That’s Vanessa.

Vanessa and I went to college together. She was my first friend in my biology class, and as an intimidated freshman, I decided that since we kind of knew each other from a mutual friend, we’d be sticking together. And we did for the next four years.

We were lab partners in our classes, and study buddies throughout all four years. But let’s be real, a lot of that studying turned into absolute chaos, taking pictures, writing random songs, or going to In-N-Out late at night. Somehow we both graduated and went successfully onto grad school.

Her dream has been to become a vet, which is NOT an easy feat. Think med school level difficulty... But with more than one species to understand and treat. Despite health problems and a semester off, living in another country, and battling the rigor of academia, Vanessa is almost done! The last leg of our journey landed her in Oklahoma, of all places, where she met Nick.

Nick had a reputation to live up to in my mind. The way Vanessa spoke about his love for Jesus, his commitment to his local church, and his love for her was unlike anyone she had talked about before. And meeting him at their engagement shoot sealed the deal in my mind.

He’s an outgoing conversationalist with a love for ministry, musicals, and adventure. He and Vanessa are an amazing match because of how they will balance one another. I’m obsessed.

Oh, and my favorite part? During their session they said a photographer’s favorite words:

“We wanna get in the water at sunset.”

I could die happy.

I am absolutely thrilled with this session and how it captured their love. How we caught moments of spontaneous laughter. And how it captured the peace in their eyes knowing they’d each found the one whom their soul loves.

Can’t wait for April when I get to stand next to you, Nessa!

P.S. Just look at that engagement ring! Nick and Vanessa actually did some customizations on it and it is gorgeous.

Getting married? We would LOVE to hear from you.

Surprise Proposal | Laguna Beach, CA | Rocco and Gabby

Rocco and Gabby’s long awaited proposal and engagement! We went to Thousand Steps Beach in Laguna Beach. I had never heard of this spot but it is definitely a gem in Orange County! Capturing this proposal was such an honor. These two are so in love.

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