Proposal at Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park | Chino, California

Jordan and Kathyrn

When I moved to grad school and started attending a new church, it took a little while to adjust, but Kat made the adjustment so much easier. She was the first friend that my roommate, Nellie, and I made. Kat was the first person to invite us to the lunch one Sunday after church, Nellie and I were so excited to finally be building relationships in a new place! She introduced us to her friends that would quickly become ours, too. And unbeknownst to us, one of them would end up being her boyfriend not too long after, and eventually we would have the privilege of watching him propose.

One of the many trips to a fun food market led by Kat and Jordan.

We saw Kat serve in church on the worship team and in the college/young adult Bible study with faithfulness and enthusiasm, and when she told us that she and Jordan were beginning a relationship we could not wait to watch it unfold.

These two were faithfully serving on staff for the college/young adults group together. Jordan also served with facilities at church, helping set up (which was a major task during the time where our church met outside). They’re also major foodies, always looking for the best spots to eat or get coffee. This made them an extra fun couple. Our college group would often have food days where Kat and Jordan took us to a huge food market where we would all try different cuisines and desserts. It was the best.

The next couple of years, we saw Kat and Jordan serve together in such a God glorifying way. Their relationship was never a distraction to their ministry, but a catalyst of fellowship, encouragement and an example of godliness and patience. Kat and Jordan dated through the Covid lock downs, job changes, schooling trials, and now they are finally going to be able to live life together as husband and wife!

Jordan’s proposal was so fun to be a part of. I wasn’t surprised at his commitment to making the proposal special for Kat. I was, however, surprised at his creativity and care in every single detail. Jordan went above and beyond in planning this day. He scouted locations not only online, looking at photos and discussing the options with me and his friends, but he took time to drive to several spots and plan out the entire set up.

The first part of the cover-up for Jordan’s proposal to Kat—coffee!! And sign that seemed too foreshadowing for me to not take a photo.

Nellie and Valerie conspired with Jordan to find a way to get Kat to the chosen spot and the specified time. Since I moved last year, I haven’t been able to spend as much time with them, so I texted our group and asked if we could get together. However, I’d be leaving for a long trip soon so it had to be before that, and Valerie had “family plans” the weekend prior. We were really only left with one potential day to hang out, which was the day Jordan chose. Our tricks had begun! The rest of the cover up was that I was at a couple’s shoot nearby that day so I’d already have my gear with me— why not take some fun friend photos while I’m there? I told her I’d found Chino Creek Wetlands on Instagram. We all agreed it would be a good spot for photos, and Kat found a coffee shop nearby that we could hang out first as we waited for the sun to get a little lower.

As we made our way to the spot, Jordan was patiently waiting, and we were secretly in a hurry. Rather than rushing to the designated area, I had to follow the cover. To get to the other end of the park without Kat wondering why we weren’t taking photos, we I would stop occasionally, shoot some photos, and keep going. We passed up spots that she suggested because “the light was a little spotty there” or whatever other lame excuse I could make up. In reality, I was in a rush to get her to Jordan.

We finally made it to a concrete arch that I knew meant we were about to walk up to Jordan. To prep for Kat’s entrance, I had been taking photos of Nellie and Val walking forward and stopping to look back at the camera. Finally, it was Kat’s turn to try this pose for me, so I told her to walk through the archway.

Jordan was waiting on the other side, Kat walked up to him, and he asked her to marry him. Then, after taking a couple of moments, some of their close friends emerged from the bushes and celebrated together. We took some amazing portraits, both Jordan and Kat beaming with joy and post-proposal giggles, and then went to a dinner that Jordan planned with all of their family and close friends to celebrate.

One of my favorite parts of this night was taking along a little polaroid camera to get photos of special moments and friends for Kat to take home that night (and of course some extra for myself because it was really fun).

Jordan and Kat, I love seeing you pursue the Lord and serve the church together, and wait for His timing. You two are gems.

Getting married? We would LOVE to hear from you.

Surprise Proposal | Laguna Beach, CA | Rocco and Gabby

Rocco and Gabby’s long awaited proposal and engagement! We went to Thousand Steps Beach in Laguna Beach. I had never heard of this spot but it is definitely a gem in Orange County! Capturing this proposal was such an honor. These two are so in love.

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